- The market town of Bourne, Lincolnshire, England -

West Road

West Road autumn leaves

ONE OF THE most attractive thoroughfares in Bourne is West Road which looks its best in autumn. This photograph was taken in November 2002 after high winds had mostly stripped the trees of their autumn leaves and few remain but they line the paths and pavements of many streets in the town, especially here where there is an abundance of elm, ash and oak. 

The ten houses in the row are known as the Westbourne Villas and were the grandest properties in Bourne during the late 19th century. They were built between 1885 and 1890 on land owned by Robert Mason Mills, founder of Bourne's aerated water business, and it was his idea to erect large and grand houses that could be occupied by leading families in the town who could afford domestic servants and he supervised the design himself. 

They are therefore, all extremely large with front gables and dormer windows and there was ample accommodation for staff on the top floor and attic rooms, although Mr Mills never lived in one himself but built them as an investment. This part of the town still enjoys that appearance of Victorian grandeur and is especially attractive at this time of the year.

An illustrated history of these houses together with architectural drawings
can be found on the CD-ROM A Portrait of Bourne.

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