Mayors of Bourne since 1974


Coat of arms
Coat of Arms used courtesy
Bourne Town Council

ceased to exist on 12th March 1974 and 
its duties and responsibilities were taken over by the parish council which, because 
of the town's historic status, was given special dispensation to become 
with a chairman who was also the mayor.
The Coat of Arms of the old urban district council
was acquired by the new authority and is used
to this day. The motto Vigila et Ora means
Watch and Pray. 
This office of Mayor of Bourne has been held 
by the following:


1974          Percy Wilson*
1974-75     Mrs Margaret Cooper
1975-76     Ray Cliffe
1976-77     Michael Taylor
1977-78     Ronald Alexander
1978-79     John Smith
1979-80     Mrs Shirley Cliffe
1980-81     George W Houghton
1981-82     Malcolm Burton Jones
1982-83     Norman Thwaite
1983-84     Don Fisher
1984-85     Mrs Marjorie Clark
1985-86     John Kirkman
1986-87     Richard Reeve**
1987          Sydney Pegden***
1987-88     John Wright
1988-89     Monty Burton
1989-90     Mrs Mary Parker
1990-91     Stan Pease
1991-92     Ray Cliffe
1992-93     Mrs Janet Sauter
1993-94     Peter Garner
1994-95     Mrs Lesley Patrick
1995-96     Alan Jones
1996-97     John Smith
1997-98     Mrs Shirley Cliffe
1998-99     Don Fisher
1999-00     Mrs Marjorie Clark
2000-01     John Kirkman
2001-02     Alan Jones
2002-03     Mrs Norma Woolley
2003-04     Trevor Holmes
2004-05     Mrs Petronella Moisey
2005-06     Mrs Judy Smith
2006-07     Brian Fines
2007-08     Mrs Jane Kingman-Pauley
2008-09     Mrs Shirley Cliffe
2009-10     Trevor Holmes
2010-11     Mrs Petronella Moisey
2011-12     Mrs Brenda Johnson
2012-13     Ms Helen Powell
2013-14     David Higgs
2014-15     Bob Russell

* During council changeover            ** Died in office 26th January 1987             *** From February to May 

Clerks to the council

1974          D Reeson*
1975          L J Bradshaw**
1975-76    Mrs J Burton
1976-77    Mrs M Weyman
1977-88    Mrs M E Putterill
1988-89    Mrs S E Chappell
1989-00    Mrs M Redshaw/Thomas
2000-        Mrs Nelly Jacobs

*April to December      **January to April


Note: A full list of urban and rural district council chairmen in Bourne from 1894-1974
may be found on the CD-ROM A Portrait of Bourne

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