- The market town of Bourne, Lincolnshire, England -

Church Walk

Photographed in 2009

A CHARMING and pleasant pedestrian way known as Church Walk can be found between Abbey Road and South Street, running past the west front of the Abbey Church and the back of Bourne Eau House. This short thoroughfare is full of charming features from the town's historic past and it is such a secluded place that it is difficult to imagine that it was once the original Lincoln to London highway.

The Bourne Eau runs alongside, after crossing South Street under the road. There have been many changes here in past years, notably the disappearance of the commercial buildings, a pea factory and corn warehouse, but there is still great visual interest. Along Church Walk you will also find the vicarage, built in 1986, the church hall dating from the early 1960s and of course, the Abbey Church dominating the view as it has done for the past thousand years, a monument to the faith of this town in grey mellowed stone that looks its best in the late afternoon sunlight of a hot summer's day.

At the far end, there is also a path that leads past the churchyard to South Street itself, once lined with attractive iron railings that were cut down for the manufacture of munitions during the Second World War of 1939-45 and never replaced.

There is also an ancient stone wall at the Abbey Road end, built and repaired over the centuries and therefore containing stones from many periods, often salvaged from old buildings elsewhere in the town, that can be distinctly seen by anyone with an eye for the unusual. 

An illustrated account of Church Walk can be found
on the CD-ROM A Portrait of Bourne. 

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