A memory of North

A rare photograph
of North Street taken during a royal celebration 100 years ago was handed
over to Bourne Civic Society in November 2011 for display at the Heritage
The picture, shown above with Mrs Brenda Jones, chairman of the Bourne
Civic Society, measures 5 ft. x 3 ft 2 in and is an enlargement from the
original taken by William Redshaw (1856-1943), one of the early pioneers
of photography who took countless views of the town although in view of
his prolific output, comparatively
few have survived the years.
It was taken on Friday 30th June 1911 when Bourne was decorated to
celebrate the coronation of King George V and shows the street bedecked
with flags and bunting and thronging with people in their Sunday best.
Until recently, the picture hung in the counter area of the Nationwide
Building Society at No 17 North Street but the premises were refurbished
earlier this year when it was decided that the photograph no
longer fitted in with the surroundings and it was consigned to the attic.
Mrs Maria Sears, one of the staff, mentioned it to local historian Rex
Needle who is a customer, and when he expressed interest in preserving the
picture, the manager, John Borrill, agreed that it should go to the
Heritage Centre and it has now been handed over and given pride of place
for visitors to enjoy in the future.
The picture has been identified as was one of a series of photographs
taken by William Redshaw on that day, all showing the town gaily decorated
with flags, streamers and floral displays. This was one of the biggest
celebrations ever held in the town with a parade and public tea, sports, a
torchlight procession, fireworks and bonfire and at night, most of the
business premises and private houses were illuminated.
Only one or two other photographs of the
event are known to exist and so this one is extremely important,
especially in view of its size, and therefore makes a most valuable
addition to the society's collection.
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