The Ostler Memorial in past times

The Ostler Memorial in 1870

The Market Place circa 1870 showing the Ostler memorial drinking fountain and a street gas lamp of the period, from a photograph taken by William Redshaw. The shop behind the fountain was a wholesale and retail ironmongers owned by Henry Osborn who was also a dealer in manure. He was followed by Thomas Withers, Jones & Buckle, F J Clarke, Johnson Brothers and then Harrison and Dunn as it is today, and so this shop has been in the same business selling hardware for over 130 years. The large building opposite in West Street, which is still a feature of the street scene, was owned by Measures Brothers, grocers and drapers.

The Ostler Memorial circa 1890

The stepped plinth surrounding the fountain was later removed to leave more space for passing traffic as the number of vehicles using the market place began to increase, although at that time is was mainly horse-drawn. This picture is from a postcard published circa 1890 by John T Morris, stationer and bookseller, of No 13 West Street, and the view below dates from a decade earlier.

Ostler memorial circa 1890

Another postcard view of the memorial and the Town Hall by William Redshaw taken about 1890, once again distinguished by his use of local people to enhance the picture.

The Ostler Memorial in 1900.

This photograph by William Redshaw is entitled "Bourne Market Place on Fair Day" and was taken circa 1900.

The Ostler Memorial circa 1910.

A postcard view of the Market Place showing the Ostler Memorial on the far side,
taken circa 1910.

See also    Thomas Shippey     John Lely Ostler

The Market Place in past times

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