The older domestic properties in Bourne were built mainly during the 18th and 19th centuries, replacing homes that were lost by two big fires that caused widespread damage in the early 17th century. In the summer of 1605 and again in 1637, many houses were engulfed in the vicinity of the Red Hall, in Manor Street and later in Eastgate on the other side of the town where the cottages of many workers employed in the pottery industry were destroyed. Old cottages can still be found in Bourne, usually greatly altered in appearance and construction, but a row of mud and stud cottages survive at Numbers 25 and 27 Spalding Road (pictured above). They are at least 300 years old and although the original walls survive, they have been reinforced with stone. They look incongruous with their red brick chimneys, dormer windows, ashlar quoins and a white-washed exterior, and were originally three farm workers' cottages but their age is undisputed. They are now converted into two homes and their snug interiors command such a loyalty with the tenants that one, Mrs Nancy Scott, a widow of 65, has lived there since 1957 and is reluctant to move into a modern bungalow with all modern conveniences.
To understand what a town looked like in past times you only need to walk the main streets glancing upwards, a somewhat hazardous pursuit in view of the hurrying crowds and passing traffic and so you must stop to investigate every few yards. What you will see above the shop fronts are the facades as they were before commerce invaded our town centres and turned once historic buildings into everlasting eyesores. If you wanted a view of North Street, for instance, as it was in the early part of the last century, then imagine a panoramic photograph showing only the upper storeys of each building and excluding the ground floors and it would appear as though time had stood still. There are cables strewn across many frontages, and West Street has several such unsightly examples, but by and large, the upper parts of the buildings have been untouched and still evoke the architecture of past times. Compare these top storeys with old photographs of the town and you will have a taste of what Bourne once looked like.
Stone was the most durable material for house building in times past but is now no longer economical although there is an example of what they looked like in the row of stone cottages on the north side of West Street. But red brick appears to be the dominant building material that identifies Bourne with its immediate past and these were manufactured locally when stone was no longer readily available. There were several brick manufacturing yards in or near Bourne where this work was carried out to keep pace with demand but they have long since disappeared. The South Lincolnshire Brick and Tile Company Limited had its works in West Road at the turn of the century and another place where clay was obtained for brick making lay immediately to the north in what is now Stanley Street. There is also mention in the manorial records of a brickyard on land to the north of Bourne. Similarly, there was another thriving industry at Castle Bytham and the distinctive yellow bricks they produced are evident in many of our buildings, particularly around the town centre and in the Austerby. The red brick that is seen so frequently in and around Bourne is used to its best effect in terraced houses such as those in Harrington Street and in West Street where there is a row of five with blue slate roofs that were built in 1872, probably as an investment to produce a regular income from the rents, by William A Pochin, who from 1844 to 1901, was Lord of the Manor of Bourne Abbots, one of the two manors into which Bourne was divided in mediaeval times, Bourne Abbots most likely deriving its name from the foundation of the abbey in 1138. Mr Pochin insisted that his initials be included on the date stone at the front of the terrace that he called Acacia Villas, a popular name for residential developments of the period to give an impression of comfort and gentility, although the inscription has been worn away by more than a century of wind and rain. There are many other examples of red brick houses that survive and are still an attractive part of the street scene. The town's modern outlook to the west and east is a direct result of the housing booms after the First and Second World Wars when hundreds of council and private houses were built, literally doubling the size of the town while new residential developments in the south will have a similar impact into the 21st century. The building of council houses by the local authority has been a major factor in the expansion of Bourne since 1900 and nowhere is this activity better illustrated than in the Harrington Street area. Between the wars, a considerable number of these properties were erected on the eastern side of the town, both houses and bungalows. Part of the old Meadowgate Road, now called Manning Road, was developed in 1914 and 1919 and Alexandra Terraces were created between 1924 and 1925. Recreation Road received 42 council houses in a single year, 1928, and between then and 1930, a further 48 properties were erected in George Street.
Harrington Street was named after Robert Harrington, the town's 17th century benefactor, and developed between 1936 and 1937 with a total of 44 houses and ten bungalows, all of which are in use today. Then soon after the end of the Second World War, building started again with the creation of additional streets and roads. Harrington Street was further extended between 1947 and 1950 with a different style of council housing while 70 more houses appeared in Ancaster Road. Queen's Road was established with Edinburgh Crescent adjoining in 1953, the year that Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the company of her consort, the Duke of Edinburgh, and so the two names reflected this national celebration. This residential area was built on farmland to the north east of Bourne as part of the housing boom following the Second World War that brought extra streets and roads to this part of the town and by 1960, 118 council houses, bungalows and flats were built in these two roads while Kingsway appeared a few years later. By
1969, there were 2,048 domestic properties in Bourne and 597 were owned by the
urban district council and included houses, bungalows and flats, some built on
the sites of old demolished buildings scattered around the town. The council
boasted in its official town guide for that year: "Much private development
is also in progress which suggests that people wish to live in Bourne. The
housing, private and council, makes an attractive whole in which anyone may be
encouraged to reside."
The Conservative government under Margaret Thatcher changed the perception of the council house when their Housing Act of 1985 included a statutory Right to Buy entitlement, introduced to encourage home ownership, and this enabled thousands of sitting tenants purchase the properties in which they lived at discount prices. As owner-occupiers, they could then change the appearance of their homes to suit their own tastes and these changes invariably started with a new front door, a feature that today distinguishes the house that is now privately owned from that which is still rented and is much in evidence today in Harrington Street. New building activity during the first half of the 20th century altered the appearance of the town more rapidly than at any other time in its history. For example, in the years between 1914 and 1970, Bourne Urban District Council alone erected 546 houses, bungalows and flats, while during the same period, there was extensive private residential development on the west side of the town, stretching out from St Gilbert's Road towards Bourne Woods on either side of the westward curving Beech Avenue, which is just under one mile in length, making it the longest of the recently built new roads with other streets feeding off on both sides, all appropriately named after woodland trees. This brings into perspective the new housing development now underway to the south of the town alongside the A15 where the latest phase, the Elsea Wood estate, will add a further 2,000 new private homes over the next two decades although the difference today is that the homes being built are purely speculative for private sale and mostly to newcomers moving into the area. By 2006, there were 535 council houses and
maisonettes in Bourne, all administered by South Kesteven District Council which
took over from Bourne Urban District Council under the local government
reorganisation of 1974. During the year, the authority mounted a massive
publicity campaign to persuade tenants that they would be better off under a new
landlord, South Lincolnshire Homes, a housing association specially formed for
the purpose.
REVISED NOVEMBER 2010 See also Beech Avenue Mill Drove Harrington Street The Terrace Woodview Elsea Park Hereward Meadow The old laundry site
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