Wayside sculpture

There is no more beautiful amenity in the area than Bourne Wood, 400 acres of forest that are open to the public at all times, full of secluded paths and tracks rarely used except by the animals that live here, including fallow deer that you will see if you are lucky because they are shy and reclusive. The woodland also attracts some 150,000 visitors a year who come here to enjoy the wildlife, animals, birds and plants, because there is always something to see and so it can be rewarding to carry a camera.


Mushroom Walk

Peacock butterfly


Woodland glade

In other's footsteps


The woodland lake


GRAYDON JONES, aged 46, is an IT consultant and keen amateur photographer who has lived in Bourne for the past six years. His enjoyment is to walk around Bourne with his camera capturing any scene that catches his eye. Bourne Wood is a favourite location.
Photographs taken Spring 2010

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