Abbey interior circa 1885
The interior of the Abbey Church prior to the 1892 restoration


by Rex Needle

MAINTENANCE of the fabric hangs like a millstone around the neck of those who run our parish churches. There is always work to be done to keep the buildings in good order but never sufficient funds to foot the bills yet they survive for although God may be the inspiration, it is the public that provides.

The Abbey Church is the town’s only Grade I listed building but is in constant need of attention and records since it was built by Baldwin Fitzgilbert in 1138 reveal an ongoing body of work over the centuries with sporadic periods of major restoration when the masonry was beginning to show its age but by the 19th century, serious work was needed to ensure its survival.

The Victorian era therefore became a period of tremendous activity in the upkeep of the building and one of the main benefactors was Robert Mason Mills (1819-1904), founder of the town’s aerated water business which brought world fame and royal approval to this market town. In 1870 for instance, he was the principal supporter of an appeal for £1,200 which was raised by public subscription to finance extensions to the north aisle that was widened to provide a vestry and organ chamber.

The vicar, the Rev Joseph Dodsworth, laid a stone in the north wall and a bottle from the factory run by Mr Mills and containing a document referring to the current state of the town was deposited behind it as a reminder to future generations of the way things were.

Further alterations were envisaged after one of the churchwardens, Henry Bott, landlord of the Angel Hotel, expressed concern about the box pews which were in use at that time. "I and many others strongly disapprove of the system which allows one person to fix himself at the entrance of a pew and prevent the entrance of others who might want to get in", he said. "I would like to see an alteration in that respect and when this restoration is completed, it is hoped that those persons who are interested will kindly assist in making such arrangements as will tend to the promotion of the object we have in view."

But it was to be another 20 years before these changes were implemented although in the meantime, further refurbishment to the west end was carried out in 1882, again financed mainly by Mills. This was by far the biggest single restoration of the 19th century and a brass plate in the church records his generosity because without his help there could have been serious financial difficulties at a time when the tower was in a forlorn condition and the ringing chamber in a wretched state. This time, the work was far more extensive and an architectural report on the project gives an idea of its complexity, involving thickening the Early English wall of the west front throughout its entire height and width, and reinserting the original triplet of lights.

The report continues: “The shattered pier was rebuilt, a perilous undertaking because of the great thickness of the walls and their want of bond, but with very careful centering to the arches, strong shorting, and the inserting of balks of timber and iron, the pier and staircase were first taken entirely away and then rebuilt in their original form with solid masonry, cement and brick backing, and an inner ring or tube of bricks in cement, this giving greater thickness and solidity to the shell of the staircase.

The old ringing floor was entirely cleared away, and the ropes brought down to the ground floor, whence the interior of the tower is now entirely thrown open. A pier corresponding with the restored one on the south side has been partially disclosed by the removal of the casing of the Perpendicular work. The triplet windows have been filled with very elegant painted glass corresponding in style with their date, and adding much to the beauty of this part of the church."

The work was not completed without incident because on Tuesday 14th February that year, John Darnes, one of the workmen helping with the alterations on the west front, was badly hurt. Sections of stonework were being removed to install three new windows when some of the pieces slipped and fell, smashing part of the scaffolding where Darnes was standing and he lost his balance although his fall was broken by planking lower down. A second man saved himself from falling by hanging on to a protruding pole and escaped unhurt but Darnes suffered extensive injuries and was away from work for several months.

In 1890, the old wooden Jacobean pulpit was replaced by the present one made of stone and in 1892, a new high pitched roof was installed and the chancel wainscoted in oak and choir stalls fitted, again with financial assistance from Robert Mason Mills. At the same time, the twin aisles disappeared, the old style box pews were removed and the present ones installed. The floor was lowered during the work and so the church began to take on the appearance that we know today.

The removal of the box pews also ended the old system of private sittings, a practice whereby important and wealthy people from the parish could, for a small contribution to church funds, reserve their own place for services. But the majority of worshippers favoured the principle of all seating being free and available to everyone without distinction and this system was duly adopted. The work was carried out between Easter and Christmas during which time services were held in the Corn Exchange.

Since then, there has been a continuing programme of restoration, particularly in 1934 when the tower was strengthened and in 1979 when the present ringers‘ gallery was built within the south west tower, and each time work needed to be done, the money has been found, from wealthy patrons and others ready to give smaller amounts, but all gratefully received. Parishes depend on voluntary effort and a small band of workers who give their time freely for the betterment of the Abbey Church are now busy with the details of the latest £100,000 appeal and although their efforts will go largely unsung, those who appreciate this fine building will give thanks for their labours that will help preserve it for the future.

NOTE: This article was published by The Local newspaper on Friday 5th January 2007. 

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